
Natalia C. Aranovich, Esq.
Founder. Business & Intellectual Property
Ms. Aranovich has more than 25 years of experience in practicing law. She is the founder of Aranovich Law Firm, PC in Los Angeles and is licensed in Brazil and United States (CA, D.C). She has litigated more than 200 cases and drafted more than 2,000 contracts. As an outside general counsel she has worked with companies of all sizes from multinationals to startups and with business in the following industries: Pharmaceutical, Apparel, Construction, Beauty and Food. Besides law she has a background in Branding and Marketing.
Since she became attorney in the US she has been working as a transactional attorney and as an outside general counsel advising companies in how to achieve their goals and prevent risks in the areas of business and intellectual property. She also works closely with outside counsels in other areas of the law supporting them with litigation strategy and evidence on behalf of her clients.
Ms. Aranovich also has an extensive experience working for non-profit organizations. She managed the Brazil California Chamber of Commerce in LA, served as Chair of the Business and International Lawyers Committees of the Beverly Hills Bar Association, as a Director of the Copyright Society of United States LA Chapter and was a Female Advisory Board Member for Lamborghini.
Education and Certifications
Business with concentration in Marketing, 2013
Negotiation for Senior Executives, 2011
J.D. in Civil Procedure and Civil Law, 2007
Masters in International Law, 2002
B.A., Law, 1999
- Central District Court of California
- Second District Court Ogden, Utah (Pro-Hac-Vice)
BRAZIL (1999)
2019 Board of Governors Award
2007 – Award received for the teachings shared with the Bar Association School
Volunteer Positions in Organizations
Member of the UCLA Law Women LEAD (March 2018 to Present)
Member of the Lamborghini Female Advisory Board (February 2018 – March 2021).
Member of the Intellectual Property Section of the State Bar of California (2017 to 2019).
Copyright Society of United States Planning Committee – LA Chapter (2019).
Chair of the Small Business Committee at the Brazil California Chamber of Commerce (April 2017 to June 2019).
Marketing Director for the International Law Journal for the California Lawyers Association – CLA (January 2018 to January 2019).
Co- Chair of the Business Law Section at the Beverly Hills Bar Association (Oct 2017 to October 2018).
Co-Chair for the Intellectual Property Committee of the Brazil Bar Association- Rio Grande do Sul Chapter – OAB.RS (2010 to 2011)
Vice-Chair for the Brazilian Association of Information and Telecommunications Laws – ABDI (2007 to 2008) .
Citations in the News
“Natalia C. Aranovich story is featured in the Lamborghini Magazine, 27 Edition, 2. 2020 issue. Read the whole issue here.
“Ground-breaking Northamptonshire disabled female racing driver shares her life story on new podcast”, October 2020. Read the news here.
“Lamborghini FAB Talks on podcast: eight stories of transformation”, October 2020. Read the news here.
“Driving change: Lamborghini podcasts feature women who have overcome”, October 2020. Read the news here.
“Lamborghini Fab Talks en Podcast y sus ocho historias de transformación”, October 2020. Read the news here.
“Lamborghini FAB Talks su podcast: otto storie di trasformazione”, October 2020. Read the news here.
“兰博基尼FAB TALKS广播系列 – 八个转型的故事”, October 2020, Read the news here.
“Brazilian LA Connection on Fashion Panel”, Los Angeles, 2017. To access the news click here.
“Law firm DLA Piper to acquire Liner LLP, which will vacate its LA offices, in July 2017. To access the news click here. Ms. Aranovich is licensed to practice law in Brazil since 1999 and in California since 2016. She has several years of experience as a litigator and transactional attorney.
Lectures & Public Speaking Engagements
Natalia Aranovich participated in the UCLA Pulse Conference in the panel discussion about a “Exploring the Intersection of Sports, Media, Entertainment, and NFTs and Web3″. Information about event here.
Natalia Aranovich is invited to present and speak at the Brazilian Consulate in Los Angeles at the first Brazilian Women Entrepreneur Meet & Greet in Southern California
Natalia Aranovich talks about NFTs and Trademarks at the first United States Patent and Trademark Office and Copyright Office roundtable about NFTs and Trademarks. Watch the entire roundtable here.
Webinar for the Federal Bar Association about NFTs and Intellectual Property. Click here for more information.
“Podcast Legal Implications of NFTS”. You can watch the podcast here or listen here.
“ Commercial Contracts in Advertising and Visas in the U.S”, presented on April 29, 2021 for the Association of Brazilian Producers.
“ Visas for Athletes”, presented on February 2016 for the Beverly Hills Bar Association.
“ International Playbook Workshop”, October 2019, São Paulo, Brazil, presented during the major event in Brazil for the advertising industry.
“Intellectual Property Rights: Finding Common Ground to Incentivize Creativity and Innovation”, presented on November 9th, 2018 at Creative Artists Agency, Los Angeles, CA.
“Principles of Networking”, presented for the Brazil Business Club in Newport Beach, on October 25th, 2018.
“Brave New World: What Business Lawyers Need to Know About the Sea Change to New Rules of Professional Conduct”, Moderator, CLE program at the BHBA, July 12, 2018.
“Entrepreneurship and Networking”, speaker at the event “ IV- Challenges to the Brazilian Immigrant Women”, Brazilian Consulate in Los Angeles, May 19, 2018.
“Brazilian Fashion Now”. Speaker at the event about trademarks and copyrights at the Brazilian Consulate event, Los Angeles, CA, November 17, 2017.
“How to Grow your Import and Export Business”, presented at The Zummit, San Diego, CA., August 17, 2017
“Trademarks and Rights of Publicity”, presented for the Brazil California Chamber of Commerce members at the Brazilian Consulate in Los Angeles, CA, April 20, 2017.
“Trademarks and Branding”, lecture presented at the Brazilian Business Club in Orange County, CA, March 14, 2017.
“Brands and Branding”, lecture presented to the Post-Graduate Design Students of UNIRITTER, Porto Alegre, Brazil, November 28, 2014.
“The Importance of Trademarks to Consumers,” presented at UNIRITTER University, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil, October 2010.
“Evidence Produced through the Electronic Method,” presented at Taquari Bar Association, RS, Brazil, May 2008.
“Trademarks and the Consumer Protections,” presented at UNILASSALE University, Canoas, RS, Brazil, November 2007.
“Introductory Notions of Trademarks,” presented at Rio Grande do Sul Bar Association School, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil, October 2007.
“Copyrights Criteria in Scientific Research”, presented at the 27th Scientific Weekend at Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil, September 2007.
VII International Law Conferences organized by US, Canada and Brazil, Mediator for the international law discussion regarding South America and North America, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil, December 2006.
“Telematic Support as Evidence in Brazilian Civil Procedure,” presented at Universidade Federal do Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil, 2005.
“The Domain Name Register System and the Relevance of Trademarks on the Internet,” presented at Rio Grande do Sul Bar Association in February, 2000, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil.
Artificial Intelligence, Intellectual Property, & NFTs, Chapter 6 in the book “From PCs to AI – Pioneering Digital Ownership and Beyond”, by Beverly Macy.
Artificial Intelligence, digital images, copyrights and NFTs: A case analysis of the US Copyright Office’s denial of “A Recent Entrance in Paradise” a work created by artificial intelligence. Paper published in a book in Brazil called “Inteligência Artificial e Propriedade Intelectual”.
Understanding Intellectual Property in NFTs, Chapter in the book “ Imagine That…From PCs to NFTs”, by Beverly Macy.
Artificial intelligence, digital images, copyrights and NFTs in the Global Fashion Lawyer Magazine for the Beverly Hills Bar Association. To read the article on the BHBA website, click here
“Influencers: Are You Complying with The Federal Trade Commission Guidelines for Endorsements And Testimonials?”, published on 09/24/2020 by the Global Fashion Lawyer Magazine. To access the Online publication of the Beverly Hills Bar Association click here.
“Advertising Work”, article wrote for the Intellectual Property Booklet, published by the Brazilian Bar Association- Rio Grande do Sul Section, 2015.
“The Importance of Trademarks to Consumers,” chapter published in the book organized by Luiz Gonzaga Adolfo and Rodrigo Moraes: Intellectual Property in Perspective Ed. Lumen Juris, RJ, 2008, Brazil.
“The Internet domain name registration and trademark protection”, in Revista de Direito Privado (Private Civil Law Journal), Editora Revista dos Tribunais, n.4, p.127, 2001.
“Advertising trademarks in the Internet and its importance to consumers”, article published in a national newspaper in Brazil called Jornal do Comercio, in the special edition Marcas de quem decide in 2012 (Brands who decide). Click here to access the publication.
“Commentaries about the new Law Project to regulate the Internet,” interview published in Comércio Newspaper, June 2007, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.
“Commentaries to the Brazilian Civil Code”, by Nelson Nery under the title Business Organizations referring my paper about “The Internet domain name registration and trademark protection”, in Revista de Direito Privado (Private Civil Law Journal), Editora Revista dos Tribunais, n.4, p.127, 2001.

Federica Dell’Orto, Esq.
Of-Counsel. Immigration
Federica Dell’Orto is a New York based attorney, she has extensive experience in immigration, international, human rights law and in complex litigation matters. For years Ms. Dell’Orto has represented clients in Court during removal proceedings as well as in asylum, bond, cancellation of removal and adjustment hearings. She has also matured ample experience with the Board of Immigration Appeals and the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.
Ms. Dell’Orto has an international legal education background. She was born in Italy where she obtained her JD from the University of Milan focusing on EU and International Law. She completed an LL.M in Los Angeles, in Public International Law and became licensed to practice law in California. She is also admitted to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. She served as Chair of the International Law Section of the Federal Bar Association, the primary professional organization for private and Government lawyers and judges sitting in federal courts in the United States. She is currently past Chair of the Section and is a representative of the Federal Bar at the United Nations through the Association’s consultative status. Ms. Dell’Orto periodically publishes articles in multiple legal journals discussing the latest developments in the field of International, Human Rights and Immigration Law and advocating for the furtherance of civil and constitutional rights as well as the development of domestic policies aimed at protecting them.